Boat Insurance

Whether you use your boat for sailing, skiing or fishing, Apia offers Boat Insurance to protect your favourite water activities.

Third Party Boat Insurance can provide legal liability up to $10 million, while Comprehensive Boat Insurance can also cover damage to your boat and its contents.

Call 13 50 50 for a quote
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Retired men on smartphone by boat

Comprehensive Boat Insurance

With Comprehensive Boat Insurance we cover accidental loss or damage to your boat caused by incidents within the geographic limits such as theft, storm (including cyclone), fire, sinking, stranding, collision or impact. You'll also get cover for your boat contents of up to $5,000. Sub limits apply to certain items, read the PDS for full details.

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Couple laughing on boat

Third Party Boat Insurance

Third Party Boat Insurance protects you for legal liability up to $10 million arising from the use of your boat. You'll be covered for death, injury or property damage caused by your boat, as well as costs for salvaging or removing your boat.